Delivery & Pickup

Delivery Information

  • Preorder products will be shipped out within 30-40 working days (1.5-2 months) after payment is made.
  • Readystock products will be shipped out within 3-4 working days after payment is made.
  • Please note that there may be occasional delays due to unexpected logistics issues. We will keep you updated on the delivery status through our "Board On Notice" section, where you can check anytime.

Pick-up Information

  • For customers who prefer to pick up their orders, we offer a convenient pick-up service.
  • During the checkout process, select the "Pick-up Service" and provide your contact information.
  • Once your books arrive, we will contact you to arrange the pick-up procedure.
  • Kindly be informed that our studio is solely open for pick-up purposes. We appreciate your understanding and request not to visit us unless for pick-up purposes.


1. 预购商品 将在付款后的30-40个工作日(1.5-2个月)内发货。
2. 现货商品 将在付款后的3-4个工作日内发货。


我们的唯一工作室位于No 52, Jalan Lambak, 86000 Kluang, Johor.

您可以在结账过程中选择“Pick-up Service”,并备注您的联系方式。一旦您的书籍到达,我们将与您联系以完成取书手续。请注意,我们的工作室仅用于自取目的,不接受现场购书。感谢您的合作!